-Hi. use Darlington Array to control stepper motors such as ULN2003 or ULN2004. Here I want to show you how to use L298N Dual Motor Driver to drive a 4-wire bi-polar stepper motor. Well, it may be more expensive than a Darlington Array Chip so consider this as an "option".
-The reason I am working with this test is :
- There was a comment on my Auto Fish Feeder questioning why I did not use a driver module or at least transistors to drive the 5V bi-polar stepper motor. It was because I couldn't find a Darlington Array Chip in town.
- I only had one L298N motor driver which I saved for my Panzer project. Thank God now I have 3 Keyes L298N motor drivers for testing.
- I also read some people out there asking how to do this, they had the same problem with me, didn't own a Darlington Array chip but had a L298N driver in hand.
.So I search on the net to learn more about a stepper motor, particularly a 4-wire bi-polar stepper motor which I used in my Auto Fish Feeder project. It is a mini 5V stepper motor which can be found in a floppy disk drive.
Step 1: Bill of Materials :
- A 5V Bi-Polar Stepper Motor. You can find one in your old unused floppy disk drive.
- A Keyes L298N Motor Driver. Or any other compatible or similar L298N module driver.
- An Arduino Uno R3 or compatible. Here I use Sparkfun RedBoard.
- Some jumper wires.
- A Multimeter.
Step 2: Stepper : How It Works :
-Internal diagram of a 4-wire stepper motor can be drawn like picture number one above. While picture number two shows us the internal working of a stepper motor to make it moves clockwise or counter clockwise. All we have to do is energized the coils in correct orders.
- How do we figure out which wires in pair (X and ~X; Y and ~Y)? Because we want to SOURCE or SINK the coils to produce desired magnetic field to move the motor. Use a multimeter and set it to Ohm Meter, we are measuring the resistance between cables.
- When I measure pin 1 and pin 3 it reads 12.6 ohm. So is it when I measure pin 2 and pin 4. There is a resistance when the pins are connected. We can also set the multimeter to "continuity check".
-When I measure pin 1 and pin 2 it shows "1" on the left side which means "out-of-range". The same thing happens when I measure pin 2 and pin 3. That means they are not connected.
-You can try visit this page for more detail information about Operation Principle of Stepper Motor. It has some GIF animations and a complete table of stepper degree and state of pins to make you understand better.
Step 3: Wiring :
Wires from Keyes L298N Module to Arduino Uno :
Color | Keyes L298N | Arduino Uno |
Orange | ENA | Pin 7 |
Yellow | IN1 | Pin ~6 |
Green | IN2 | Pin ~5 |
Blue | IN3 | Pin ~10 |
Purple | IN4 | Pin ~9 |
Grey | ENB | Pin 8 |
Black | GND | GND |
White | +5V | Vin |
- Stepper pin 1 and pin 3 to Keyes L298N Motor A.
- Stepper pin 2 and pin 4 to Keyes L298N Motor B.
- Battery+ to Keyes L298N VMS.
- Battery- to Keyes L298N GND.
Step 4: Arduino Sketch :
/* * Driving a 5V stepper motor using Keyes L298N Dual Motor Driver; * Chienline @2015; */const int ENA = 7; const int IN1 = 6; const int IN2 = 5; const int ENB = 8; const int IN4 = 9; const int IN3 = 10; const int ledPin = 13;void setup() { pinMode(ENA,OUTPUT); pinMode(IN1,OUTPUT); pinMode(IN2,OUTPUT); pinMode(ENB,OUTPUT); pinMode(IN3,OUTPUT); pinMode(IN4,OUTPUT); pinMode(ledPin,OUTPUT); digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);//delay is used to control the speed, the lower the faster. //reverse(step,delay); reverse(80,20); //forward(step,delay); forward(80,20); }void loop() { }void reverse(int i, int j) {// set both motors ON digitalWrite(ENA, HIGH); digitalWrite(ENB, HIGH);while (1) { digitalWrite(IN1, 0); digitalWrite(IN2, 1); digitalWrite(IN3, 0); digitalWrite(IN4, 1); delay(j); i--; if (i < 1) break;digitalWrite(IN1, 0); digitalWrite(IN2, 1); digitalWrite(IN3, 1); digitalWrite(IN4, 0); delay(j); i--; if (i < 1) break;digitalWrite(IN1, 1); digitalWrite(IN2, 0); digitalWrite(IN3, 1); digitalWrite(IN4, 0); delay(j); i--; if (i < 1) break;digitalWrite(IN1, 1); digitalWrite(IN2, 0); digitalWrite(IN3, 0); digitalWrite(IN4, 1); delay(j); i--; if (i < 1) break; }// set both motors OFF digitalWrite(ENA, LOW); digitalWrite(ENB, LOW); } // end reverse()void forward(int i, int j) {// Set both motors ON digitalWrite(ENA, HIGH); digitalWrite(ENB, HIGH);while (1) { digitalWrite(IN1, 0); digitalWrite(IN2, 1); digitalWrite(IN3, 0); digitalWrite(IN4, 1); delay(j); i--; if (i < 1) break;digitalWrite(IN1, 1); digitalWrite(IN2, 0); digitalWrite(IN3, 0); digitalWrite(IN4, 1); delay(j); i--; if (i < 1) break;digitalWrite(IN1, 1); digitalWrite(IN2, 0); digitalWrite(IN3, 1); digitalWrite(IN4, 0); delay(j); i--; if (i < 1) break;digitalWrite(IN1, 0); digitalWrite(IN2, 1); digitalWrite(IN3, 1); digitalWrite(IN4, 0); delay(j); i--; if (i < 1) break; }// set both motors OFF digitalWrite(ENA, LOW); digitalWrite(ENB, LOW);} // end forward()